The Costco store is being upgraded and renovated.
There is a limited-time clearance of a batch of Suntory Glucosamine (most of the Glucosamine has a warranty period of about 1 year). It is a limited-time clearance at a loss (limited to 5,000 pieces). There has never been such a huge discount.
Originally imported, it will be delivered within 7 days. Free shipping. There is a 30-day appreciation period. It can be returned even after use if you are not satisfied! (The online mall is open for business this time!)
🤩現在買就送「BODYSAPO 躍勁增量包」1 件,裡面含有 3 包喔
Now, if you buy it, you will be given 1 piece of the BODYSAPO Yuejin incremental package, which contains 3 packs inside.
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